Tutorials / How to ...

Reading japanese hieroglyphs. Notes [2019]

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GIMP | Inkscape
How to draw nebula star space uses GIMP 2.10 fast and easy [2018]

How to draw planetary rings of gas giant uses GIMP 2.10 fast and easy [2018]

How to draw gas planet uses GIMP 2.10 fast and easy [2018]

How to draw radial ball field + center decreased radiuses + center hole using GIMP 2.10 fast and easy [2018]

LMMS | Audacity
How to LMMS automation volume control fast and easy [2018]

Human Dummy Creator 2018 example (left gif) [source]

LibGDX Kotlin project + fix gradle sync failed error beginner tutorial [2018]

LibGDX fix linux lwjgl DesktopLaoucher crush with custom display resolution beginner tutorial [2018]

LibGDX Kotlin Admob banner hide show beginner tutorial [2018]

LibGDX linux prepare gui *.fnt - english, chinese, japanese, korean bitmap fonts uses Hiero -> GIMP -> pngquant -> FileOptimizer beginner tutorial [2018]

Kotlin LibGDX default Skin TextButton with original BitmapFont beginner tutorial [2018]

Kotlin LibGDX Animation<Drawable> . Move dx + frames loop. Beginner tutorial [2019]

Kotlin LibGDX Multi Layer Animation<Drawable> . Move dx + frames loop. Beginner tutorial [2019]

Kotlin LibGDX Animation Sequence beginner tutorial . Move dx + animations loop. Beginner tutorial [2019]

LibGDX Kotlin Save Load game data after restart. Beginner tutorial [2019]

libGDX Kotlin client side: parsing JSON created on python3 server side. Beginner tutorial [2019]

ProGuard jar obfuscation using Android Studio. Beginner tutorial [2020]